A Toronto Speech Therapists' Site

Learn about Speech and Learning Difficulties.

Different speech therapy methods


Speech therapy Toronto can provide your child with the best care possible to help express himself or herself. When consulting a speech therapist he/she needs to assess clearly the type of problem your child is having such as to implement the best method for dealing with the issue.


Speech therapy methods


Speech therapy Toronto experts implement many different methods when helping a child that has speech problems. There are many methods and which one works best will depend on the particularities of the problem.

Types of speech therapyspeechtherapytorontoblog.wordpress.com

  • Sensory feedback – a particular speech therapy technique is the use of sensory feedback. The method helps the child become aware of the sound he/she is pronouncing and how he is pronouncing it. The speech therapist may have your child say something, then play a recording of the same word pronounced correctly to the child so that he/she can hear the difference.

Tactile feedback also plays an important role but it is quite hard having to tell the child how to place the tongue correctly, instead of a device, known as speech buddies tools, is placed in the mouth to provide a target for the tongue.

  • Articulation – along with tactile feedback speech therapy activities are used to help in the pronunciation of certain sounds. Either the speech therapist will say a word and have the child repeat it or games are played that engages the child in articulation drills. Speech therapist Toronto will also provide parents with different games they can play with the child at home to keep the child practising.
  • Oral motor therapy – problems with speech can be the result of the poor manipulation of the oral motor muscles. Besides the child's speech, this problem can also interfere with his/her swallowing and feeding abilities. To improve the condition, oral muscles exercise and facial massage may be used.
  • Language intervention – problems with speech and language can also impact the child's ability to understand language and express himself or herself properly. The kid could have difficulties putting their thought together, giving directions, or saying a story. A therapist will have to improve the condition with books, or role-playing games.



Speech therapy Toronto may use many different methods available for dealing with a child speech problem. It's essential when consulting a speech therapist to discuss the child's problem and find out the best method to be implemented for their situation.


Speech and language type of treatments


Speech therapy Toronto at times may recommend that your child follows other types of treatment than speech therapy. Some of the speech and language treatments for a child having problems speaking include:

  • Occupational therapy
  • Augmentative and alternative communication
  • Sensory integration therapy
  • physical therapy



Speech therapy Toronto can help your child improve his/her speech abilities. It is always essential to seek assistance early for a child having speech problems. Normally, by 3 years of age, it should be possible to understand clearly whatever a child is saying even if sometimes they may have problems saying certain words